


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2020/7/28      點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):3098

A facile, controllable and low-cytotoxic

method of physically depositing and

stabilizing silk fifibroin using HFIP solvent

onto Ti biometal TC4 was established.

The interface adhesion strength was de

termined through advanced centrifugal

measurement, and high silk fifibroin

(SF)-TC4 adhesion strength of 7 MPa

was achieved with optimized substrate

roughness (Ra~1 μm).

The water wettability of TC4 was im

proved signifificantly with SF coatings.

The SF-TC4 coating-substrate system

proved to improve osteoblast cell viabil

ity and growth.

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